In Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the seventh mission will be called Amends, where Miles Morales meets his uncle Aaron Davis again and sets out on a quest to make things right. This guide will walkthrough every stage of the Amends mission while providing helpful advice and highlighting important details.
Step-by-Step Guide to Complete Amends Walkthrough
Step 1: Aaron's Call

Miles gets a call from his uncle Aaron Davis, who just got out of jail, after finishing the "Not On My Watch" mission.
To start the Amends walkthrough and meet Aaron, go to the Harlem objective point.
Miles tells Aaron about Martin Li's capture and escape during their conversation.
Aaron stresses that Miles shouldn't have regrets against himself and warns against having rivalry because it limits human development.
Step 2: Prowler's Tech Stash

Aaron asks Miles for help in finding outdated Prowler equipment on the streets.
There is a stash spot nearby.
Land on the purple-outlined rooftop.
Miles receives updated technology from Aaron to access his stashes. To zoom in and scan the area, hold down L2.

Locate a group of green orbs that are usually invisible but become visible while L2 is pressed by scanning the higher platform.

Pressing L2 and R2 at different pressures will start a minigame where you can adjust the adaptive triggers by matching the yellow dots over the grey regions. This displays a metal panel's purple outline.
Using L1 + R1 to align the panel with the purple outline on the right side of the panel will disclose another gate.

To construct a fresh outline, perform a second L2 scan and play another L2 + R2 trigger minigame.
Pull the gate open by pushing up onto the overhead beam.
Step 3: Entering the Stash Room

Return to the ground and go into the store room.
To get 3 Rare Tech Parts and 300 XP, interact with the safe on the right-hand wall.
Aaron adds that you should protect any technology you uncover because these caches frequently include outdated suit prototypes.
Step 4: Suit Tech Upgrades

The new Suit Tech option in the menu, which enables you to enhance several facets of both Miles and Peter's skills, is introduced in a lesson.
In order to unlock "Amazing Health 1," which raises your maximum Health to 110, you must first upgrade the Health category.
Consider looking at other upgrade possibilities if you have extra Rare Tech Parts and money, with a focus on Traversal to improve your city exploration.
Step 5: Mission Completion
Once you've finished making your chosen upgrades, leave the menu.
After completing the task, Miles can access Prowler Stashes located across the city.
To provide Rio a brief update on Aaron's condition, Miles speaks with her.
The Brooklyn Visions questline and the BV Club Fair side mission will both begin when Ganke calls you.
You'll be ready to take on the Amends Walkthrough in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and continue your action-packed trip as Miles Morales if you stick to these instructions and advice.