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Elder Scrolls Online reveals thrilling with Gold Road Expansion and Scions of Ithelia DLC

Elder Scrolls Online reveals thrilling with Gold Road Expansion and Scions of Ithelia DLC
Image via FromSoftware Inc.

The Elder Scrolls Online fans now have a look at the latest DLC and the game's next big expansion thanks to Zenimax Online Studios' release of the game's content roadmap.

The upcoming Scions of Ithelia DLC pack includes two new four-player dungeons, Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil, which should make for an entertaining encounter. This DLC, which is slated to launch on March 11 for PC and Mac and later on March 26 for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, deftly picks up where last year's Necrom Chapter left off, laying the groundwork for the highly anticipated Gold Road expansion.

The reveal trailer's description states that players can "launch a new standalone adventure in The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, or follow the threads of fate that appeared in Necrom." Players will be able to explore the West Weald and the city of Skingrad, which they first saw in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, in the following chapter. Additionally, using the cutting-edge Scribing system, players can create unique skills and modify the very essence of magic itself. The investigation into Ithelia's return—a completely new Daedric Prince not before seen in the Elder Scrolls series—takes the story in an exciting new direction.

The Gold Road expansion, which costs $39.99 / £33.99, will be available for PC and Mac on June 3 and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 18. On Thursday, this wonderful news was disclosed at a presentation; for deeper insights, watch the full thing.

The head of Zenimax Online Studio, Matt Firor, proudly stated during the live stream that Elder Scrolls Online "has grown over the years to be 24 million players," showing the game's lasting popularity and success among a sizable and devoted player base.



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