The petrified woman in Forsaken Fen is one of many mysteries and surprises in Mournstade. We'll lead you through how to save her in this guide, making it possible to obtain the desired Pendant of Induration as well as a brand-new friend.
Step-by-Step to Find and Free The Petrified Woman
Step 1: Locate the Petrified Woman

Start your quest in the Vestige of Vallade then turn right through the tunnel. There is a closed door at the end of the room that may be opened from the other side if you have never been in this section before. So, look around the area until you find this shortcut.
Important Note: If you've already unlocked the shortcut, go through it to go down through the swamp using wooden planks and trees.
Step 2: Discover the Petrified Woman

You'll come across a large fire with aggressive enemies nearby as you descend. From the bonfire, turn left and you'll see some vines blocking the way.

You might detect a light humming coming through the vines if you turn up the volume.
Step 3: Free the Petrified Woman

The petrified woman can be found on the other side after you've removed the vines. She will beg you to free her if you have a chat with her.

You must cast a Empyrean Grenade spell on her in order to carry out this. She will give you a Pendant of Induration as thanks.
Step 4: The Bridge Meeting

Talk to the petrified woman about every possible line of conversation until she tells you to meet her at the Bridge. You can find the woman inside one of the holding cells going to the Vestige of Ethryg on the Skyrest Bridge after taking a break and travelling there.
Important Note: If you start up a conversation with her, she will offer to help you out with your conflicts. However, be ready to forcefully compensate her for her services. You can then call her to your side as a companion before taking on any bosses. After each combat, don't forget to go back to the Bridge to settle the bill. She will over time leave behind useful equipment for you, such as the Envenomed Shield, Kukajin's Sword, Kukajin's Armour, Kukajin's Gloves, and Kukajin's Legging.
The petrified woman will drop Kukajin's Sword as loot if you happen to roll into her in Forsaken Fen and accidentally kill her. Move with carefully while you're close to her.
The petrified woman in Forsaken Fen can add to your experience in Mournstade. Those who go on this quest will receive the rewards of a devoted companion and the Pendant of Induration. I wish you luck and success in Lords of the Fallen.