The All India Football Federation (AIFF) announced on Tuesday for national FIFA 21 esports tournament for Indian PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 players. It will conduct a national tournament from March 20 to April 4 to select the Indian team for FIFAe Nations Series 2021.
The registrations for the tournament will begin on March 1 to March 10.The best 16 players from India will compete against each other and only two player from 16 in India took road for FIFAe Nations Series 2021.
“Gaming has always been a great engagement tool for football fans across the world. Owing to the current pandemic situation the interest in eSports has increased manifold globally. Be it on the field or on a virtual platform, football generates passion and excitement among fans" says by Kushal Das General Secretary of All India Football Federation (AIFF).
This is first time for indian team or player for participation Global FIFA Esports. India will participate in the Middle East and Africa server region. AIFF is building an eNational squad for represent India on FIFAe Nations Series 2021.