In a thrilling appearance, SNK has revealed Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, marking a victorious return to the beloved franchise. This future title, set to be released in 2025, has been highly awaited since its debut at last year's Evo fighting game event.
The reveal took place at SNK World Championship event in Los Angeles, California, where fans were treated to two severe videos. The first, an electrifying announcement trailer, adds to last year's tantalizing teaser. The second video introduces five characters set to appear in City of the Wolves, increasing fan excitement.
SNK has also stated that the game will be available at EVO Japan 2024, which takes place on April 27 in Tokyo, letting players to experience the adrenaline-fueled action firsthand. Visually, Fatal Fury's latest version is comparable to SNK's famed The King of Fighters XV, featuring characters with a distinct comic book design defined by bold black outlines.
Even after a long absence from 1999's Garou: Mark of the Wolves (which Dreamcast players knew as Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves), a number of legendary Fatal Fury characters—including Terry Bogard, Joe Higashi, and Mai Shiranui have continued to be beloved by fans in a variety of fighting games, most notably the King of Fighters series.
The teaser for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves hinted to a release date in early 2025, but no specific platforms were mentioned. However, it is rumored that the game will be released on next-generation consoles such as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, as well as on PC.
The excitement is palpable, as SNK aims to present off a playable sample of City of the Wolves at Evo Japan 2024 next month, promising more opportunities for fans to delve into the wild wolf's return throughout the year. Stay tuned for additional details on this exciting addition to the fighting game world.